About Juliet
Healer. Coach. Mentor. Speaker. Author.
Hi, I'm Juliet Martine. I'm 58 years old. I'm an Energy Healer and Spiritual Teacher. People often refer to me as the Energy Clearer because I help people clear, heal and switch on their energy, to live a more radiant, empowered, joy-filled life and fulfil their greater Soul potential and magnificence.
People often see me as a confident person. However I'm also incredibly sensitive at heart. As a child, my sensitivity to other people's energies made me a perfect target for bullying. As an adult though, my sensitivity is an asset I utilise every day in my work with clients as it enables me to tune into their energy and find out what's really going on at the underlying source of their problems, challenges and difficulties.
Every time I look beyond the surface symptoms of a person's challenges to identify what's really going on energetically underneath, the insights and awareness that come forth continue to amaze me and it expands my passion and regard for healing what ails us as human beings so we can free ourselves to fulfil our greater destiny.

Changes - The spice of life
From my own experience, life changes can break us and they can also make us. For me it's been the changes in my life, some of my choosing and others not, that have added the spice that has enabled me to heal, learn and grow in unimaginable ways.
I wasn't always a healer and spiritual teacher.
In my previous life I worked 10 years in the corporate sector...
Until I had two children...
And then I had my own version of what some might call a life crisis...
Which prompted me to discover my life passion...
And study for 3 years to become a healer.
Once I found my path as a healer I then navigated the ending of my 16 year marriage...
I discovered the freedoms and challenges that come with life after divorce...
I delved into the labyrinth of relationships as a single parent...
And I discovered I could write books, run workshops and do all sorts of things I never ever imagined in my wildest dreams.

And I learned a heck of a lot along the way.
I learned about raising children. About how to manifest profound love. About surviving business challenges in an ever changing world. About how to annoy the crap out of my teenage children. About the grief that comes with the loss of a loved one. About the difference between moving through life's challenges with resistance and moving through them with acceptance and grace. About the incredible gifts that come with spiritual awareness. And I also learned about what happens when we fall asleep at the wheel to our true self and play small.

More than anyone or anything, I have learned from Spirit and from my clients.
In working with Spirit I am constantly being shown what lies beneath humanity and the ways in which life plays out. And from my clients I am constantly learning about life, love, human conditioning, what it takes to stand in our greatness, and the power we all hold to shift our energy to create positive changes in our individual life and the world around us.
Each and every person I have worked with over the past 24+ years has touched me deeply and it has been my clients that have been my greatest teachers and blessings in life. As are my now adult children Tyrone & Cherice, and their soulmate life-partners Darya and Sam, from whom I continue to learn how to be a better parent and equal in relationship throughout our interconnected lives.
And to add to my menagerie of teachers, I now continue to learn more about how to be in loving equal relationship with my beautiful life partner, fiance, and fellow adventurer, Arno.
Having spent all my life living in Sydney, in March 2018 I decided to uproot myself from my comfort zone and move to Melbourne to be of service to the Melbourne community. The shift in geographic location generated an immense cascading effect in terms of my own internal shifts in awareness which in turn deepened my work with clients and the levels from which I now teach.
After 2.5 yrs in Melbourne, living in isolation through the pandemic, ​I then moved to Holgate on the beautiful NSW Central Coast just 1hr north of Sydney and am loving living in collaborative community with the natural environment and the people here. I continue to work with clients in Sydney, Melbourne, throughout Australia and across the globe through Zoom.

The nitty-gritty. . .
As for the technical details I'm a fully qualified:
Energy Healer
Thought Field Therapist
Psych K Practitioner
Reiki I, II & Master
Manifestation Coach
Flower Essence Practitioner
Past Life Regression Therapist
HeartMath Practitioner
Rites Of Passage Facilitator
and avid user of Essential Oils
What qualifies me more than anything is the past 58 years of combined life experience, personal wisdom, and intuitive knowing from having worked with tens of thousands of people across the globe. And while I love working one-on-one with individual clients, I also have an immense passion for working with small groups and larger audiences, helping empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives and the lives of those they touch.
If I can be of assistance to you please contact me and it would be my honour to work with you in whatever ways serve you best.

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