Manifestation Coaching

You are a powerful manifestor.
Question is: Are you manifesting what you want to attract? Or what you're trying to avoid?
Ready to manifest with greater success?
'I know what I want but I just can't seem to make it happen!'
'No matter how much I visualise, it still feels like a struggle to manifest the things I want in life.'
'I know I must be sabotaging myself on some level. Every time I get closer to the things I want I seem to go backward and nothing changes.'

Learning how to use your Manifestation Intelligence
If you're trying to manifest positive changes in your life and attract the things you desire, but no matter how hard you try it just doesn't seem to work - I hear you. And I feel you! And if you start to manifest more of the things you DON'T want to attract? Well... that can really be the pits!
After watching 'The Secret' and learning about the Law of Attraction I felt that there was something missing because all that visualising didn't seem to yield me great results. So I decided to do some research and explore how manifestation occurs on an energetic level.
I came to understand that we all have a creative intelligence that enables us to manifest anything we desire. We just don't know how to use it in ways that we consciously and deliberately create more of the things we want in life, and less of the things we don't.
What I discovered about the way things manifest from the subtle realm of energy into our physical reality changed things so much for me that I wanted to share what I'd learned. So I wrote a book called 'Manifestation Intelligence' to help others use the full power of their creative intelligence.
In it I share with you everything there is to understand about How things manifest, how to clear your energetic blocks, trouble-shooting tips if things aren't flowing, and how to move beyond all limitations to manifest beyond your wildest dreams.
If you'd like to really master manifestation for yourself, CLICK HERE TO ORDER A COPY >>
Why Manifestation Coaching?
For many people, having a one-to-one session to move through the blocks that can occur in manifesting our desired outcomes is most helpful. Manifestation Coaching is a way to assist you to get clearer about exactly what you want to attract into your life and to address any energy that might prevent that from occurring so your desired outcomes can manifest with greater ease and flow.
Some of the areas I assist clients to manifest in include:
New work, career and/or business opportunities
Loving relationships
Self confidence, inner peace and calm
Life purpose and direction
Financial prosperity
Improved health and wellbeing
Dream holidays, new homes, cars and other experiences and/or material aspects
"Having a Manifestation Coaching session with Juliet was the best investment I could make. After just the first step I felt so enlivened, inspired, focused. Everything I need to create will now be able to flow from just this first step and I know I'll stop ping-ponging all over the place to really get on with things now!" Casey, 49yrs

During a Manifestation Coaching session we work through the six steps of The Manifestation Process® used with hundreds of clients to assist you to:
Get clear about exactly WHAT you want to manifest
Shift the energy that is BLOCKING you on a subconscious level
Address the FEARS that can sabotage your success
Develop an ACTION PLAN for you to move forward, &
Learn how to cooperate with the NATURAL PROCESSES OF THE UNIVERSE to manifest your desires with ease and grace rather than effort and struggle.
Ready to manifest positive changes in your life?
No matter what you desire, no matter what you'd like to experience in life, if you can dream it, so it can become.
Manifestation Coaching is a way to help you identify and clear whatever's been blocking you and holding you back, so you can move yourself forward regardless of how challenging things may be at present. Sometimes that can be the most difficult part - knowing how to cope with your present reality whilst holding the energy to manifest your desired outcome in the future.
If you'd like to arrange a Manifestation Coaching session I work with clients by Zoom as well as face-to-face in my clinic. Regardless of where you're located, the process is just as effective.
To BOOK AN APPOINTMENT simply click on the button below and let me know where you are located and what days and times are best for you. I will then send you an email to arrange an appointment at a time that works for best you and confirm the details.
Or phone me on 0413 199649 from within Australia (or +61 413 199649 from outside Australia) if you have any questions. I'm here to assist you in whatever ways I can.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
In the meantime...
Here's to your SUCCESS!