Introducing an exciting new
with Juliet Martine
Life would be so much easier if we all saw things the same way, right!?!
While it might be easier, it would also be boring, as it's our diversity of different ways of being and doing that enriches life.
So why then is it so difficult for us to see beyond our differences, to be able to get on and be happy together? What is it we need to cultivate for us to develop a deeper level of connection and cohesiveness? To enable us to come together in ways that we are stronger together and able to enjoy life more regardless of our struggles, challenges and difficulties.

STRONGERTOGETHER is a new program developed by Juliet Martine to help people learn how to come together in a more cohesive, effective and heart-centred way. Be that a friendship, intimate relationship, family unit, work-based team, business organisation, community association, or any other group.
The purpose of the program is to provide ways to create greater alignment of energy, harmony in being together, and to strengthen our ability to achieve our desired outcomes working together more easily and effectively.
Everything shared in this program can be applied in all group settings in all areas of life.
STRONGERTOGETHER is a private program for individuals and couples who would like to strengthen their relationships, intimate partnership, and/or improve the dynamics within their family unit as a whole. Whether you've been in a relationship for a long time and are experiencing challenges, or you are just starting out, the STRONGERTOGETHER Program can provide you with understanding and practical grounded tools to assist you in building healthier, happier, and more successful relationships in the home, at work, and/or in community.
While it is the adults who participate in the program, you will be able to immediately share and apply all the understanding, insights, skills, and tools you develop during the program with your partner, children and any other relevant family members, work or community groups you might be part of.

SARAH & THOMAS - "My husband and I both worked with Juliet individually as we were experiencing some issues within our marriage. When Juliet suggested her new program we both thought 'Stronger Together' is exactly what we needed. After the first week of the program we discovered we both wanted the same things out of our relationship, our family, our lives together however we were on different pages and at a point we just didn't know how to communicate with each other without causing tension and angst.
"Over the course of the six weeks of the program we learned how to actually communicate with each other with love and respect and from the heart, work together as a team for each other and our children, and we gained so many tools that we can now access whenever we need them.
"Since completing the program, my husband and I are on the same page, we are closer than we have ever been in a long time and our family unit is stronger. We are truly Stronger Together. We are forever grateful for Juliet as her program was a real turning point for our marriage. Thank you xxxx"
The program is run over 6 consecutive weeks, each week involving a 90 minute live online session with Juliet and yourself (be that you as an individual or you as a couple or partnership).
During each session you will need to have a laptop/computer and be in a comfortable setting free from interruptions so you can fully focus and share in the learning experience.
After each session you will receive homework so you can immediately put it into practice what you've learned into your everyday life.
During the 6 weeks you will also be encouraged to explore the various ways you can apply your learning to other areas of your life, including with your children, work colleagues, and any other groups you might be involved in, so you can experience multiple benefits across all areas of your life.
What Will We Cover During The 6 Weeks?
Week 1 - Creating A Strong Foundation
Understanding the challenges and establishing a strong base from which to anchor and align our combined energies by:
Exploring why people find it difficult to get on
Tapping into our innate knowing of what heartfelt connection looks and feels like
Exploring what is at the heart of our purpose in being together
Creating a shared intent that inspires all within the relationship, family, group, or team
Strengthening our sense of connection with self and other
Finding ways to put our shared intent into action within our day-to-day experience

Week 2 - Focusing On The Value Of Working Together
Understanding and exploring the 4 Elements of Value by:
Appreciating the concept of 'value' through a different lens
Exploring the value of being together as a team
Identifying the values we wish to uphold within our relationships, family, group, or team
Recognising and appreciating the value each person contributes within the relationship, family, group, or team, and how we can support and assist each other to share the unique contribution we are here to bring
Exploring the value we as a group can bring to the greater community of which we are part

Weeks 3, 4 & 5 - Finding New Ways To Work Together
Looking at 12 Codes of Behaviour and how they can assist us to come together in ways that change our patterns and strengthen our alignment of energy, individually and collectively, for us to achieve our desired outcomes with greater effectiveness, ease and joy.
Each week we will explore:
4 different codes of behaviour
The ways in which each behaviour impacts our relationships and outcomes
Where we experience the most difficulties with each behaviour
What opportunities might be available if we are willing to develop and strengthen each behaviour
How we can work together to assist and support each other to be our best self and create more harmonious flows within the relationship, family, group, team as a whole.
Week 6 - Bringing It All Together
Reviewing what changes have occurred and how we can become even STRONGER TOGETHER going forward through:
Exploring what aspects have been strengthened during the past weeks
Discussing behaviours that can corrode relationship cohesiveness and take us backward
Identifying what elements would benefit from further strengthening
Looking at how we can continue to step forward in ways that we become even stronger together in our relationships, family, group, or team

What Commitment Is Required?
To participate in this program it requires a commitment to attend 6 weekly live video calls with Juliet at a regular day and time of your choosing. Once a day/time has been set, this will not be changeable except in the case of unforeseen emergencies. Program fee is $995 with payment plans available upon request.
For those who would prefer more of a holistic experience, the program is also offered as a Residential Retreat staying at a beautiful relaxing Santa Fe style home located just 60 minutes north of Sydney on the Central Coast (cost dependent on length of stay - please contact Juliet if you would like to arrange a relaxing getaway as part of your program).
What Outcomes Can We Expect?
The purpose of the program is to bring everyone together to operate from the same strong foundation, to strengthen the sense of connection, and to operate as a much stronger, more cohesive heart-centred team.
At the completion of the program you can expect to:
Feel a greater sense of connection within your relationships, family, group, or team
Have a deeper sense of purpose and shared direction to move forward together with greater unity
Have a stronger sense of appreciation and respect for each other and all within the group
Feel equipped with effective tools to help respond to relationship road bumps and navigate life's challenges in ways that bring you even closer together as a couple and/or family, group, or team
Feel more confident as role models in the behaviours you are embodying and teaching to your children and/or team members
Feel more resilient as a couple and stronger as a family or group to work together as a cohesive, cooperative and collaborative heart-centred team

When Can We Start?
Juliet is available to conduct the program during business hours, evenings, and also Saturdays and Sundays for those couples who might find it difficult to arrange a babysitter during the week.
As soon as you can find a regular date and time you can commit to each week, simply contact Juliet on 0413 199649 or email: juliet@julietmartine.com.au and we will send you enrolment details so you can get started.
If you are not sure if this program is right for you and/or you would like to discuss any questions or concerns you might have, feel free to contact Juliet on 0413 199649 or email: juliet@julietmartine.com.au and she will get back to you asap.
We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you on your journey to become STRONGERTOGETHER.
Want More Info About Juliet Martine?
Juliet has spent the past 18 years working as a healer and mentor with clients across the globe of all different ages, gender, culture, nationality, race, and profession to assist people to clear their blockages for greater health, wellbeing, improved relationships, career development, business and financial success, and clarity of life purpose and direction.
During this time she has authored two books: Bootcamp For The Soul and Manifestation Intelligence, facilitated numerous workshops, retreats, seminars, and keynotes across a variety of different audiences, business networks and organisations.
Juliet has spent 20+yrs understanding the energetics behind human behaviour, wellness, limiting belief patterns, and how we create our lived experience. She is passionate about assisting people to realise the magnificence of who they truly are, becoming more aware of the ways in which we heal, learn and grow through our individual and collective human experience.
Juliet has developed STRONGERTOGETHER to assist individuals to realise their inner value and learn how to come together within intimate relationships, families, business units, and community organisations to operate as cohesive teams with a greater level of connection, care, understanding, harmony, and joy.
To find out if this program is right for you and your partner, please feel free to contact Juliet on 0413 199649 or email her at juliet@julietmartine.com.au and she will be in touch with you as soon as possible.