Finally a Program to help You move beyond feelings of INADEQUACY and SELF DOUBT to experience UNSHAKEABLE SELF WORTH, LOVE, CONFIDENCE & SELF BELIEF
Are you tired of feeling inadequate? Of struggling with fear and self doubt?
For so many of us our inner self talk is filled with stories of how unworthy and lacking we are. Of how we're not good enough. Of all the ways we're missing something because we're insufficient as the person we are.
I'm not good enough... not attractive enough... not intelligent enough... not acceptable enough... not likeable enough... not successful enough.... not loveable enough... the list is never-ending!
The thing is, every time we think these thoughts and feel these feelings, we diminish our sense of self. And then we feel even less worthy, and less acceptable. Which then causes us to feel even more anxious, more worried, and more insecure in how we see ourself.
It can feel like we're stuck on a perpetual cycle doing battle with all those internal patterns of criticising and judging ourself, comparing ourself with others, doubting our abilities, and questioning if we have any real value or worth.
When we lack self confidence and self worth life becomes exhausting.
But what might your life be like if tomorrow you were to wake up feeling good about yourself and confident in who you are?

But what if who you are is already enough?
Exactly as you are?
What if...
at the very essence…
of the deepest part…
of your innermost being…
who you are….
exactly as you are?
Truth is: You already ARE ENOUGH.
You just don't realise it yet.
"Just because your self worth, self love or self confidence might be low right now, it doesn't have to stay that way. You can do things to change it, to get yourself to a place where you are back in alignment with your joyful self. Just because you feel a certain way about yourself now, doesn’t mean it has to be that way forever. I now have the power and tools from the STRONGERWITHIN program to change the way I feel any time I want." ~ Jamie
"It’s been awesome. Thank you so much. It’s changed my world for sure. Having resources and tools that help you feel good and open all the time has been an absolute blessing." ~ India
Where does YOUR Inadequacy story play out?
Working with thousands of client over the past 20 years the single biggest thing I find that holds most people back in life is self esteem. Or more to the point, the lack of it.
All that conditioning we take on that causes us to lose sight of our inner magnificence to instead believe that who we are is lacking, inadequate or not enough.
The thing is, if we believe that who we are is lacking in any way then our inner feelings of lack will manifest as an outer lack that will show up in our:
BODY - not liking our appearance, experiencing body shame, weight difficulties or ongoing health problems
RELATIONSHIPS - finding it difficult making friends, attracting a partner, feeling confident in our interactions, adopting people-pleasing behaviours, feeling like we don't fit in, finding it hard to prioritise our self, staying in unhealthy or abusive relationships
MONEY and FINANCES - spending more than we earn, giving our money away to the first person that asks, not feeling worthy of spending on ourself, always having unexpected bills come in the moment we get ahead, finding it difficult building any wealth

WORK, CAREER and BUSINESS - doubting our abilities, not feeling qualified enough, experiencing performance anxiety, fear of being seen, perfectionism, or worry about making a mistake, finding it difficult getting ahead, feeling like we have to live a false version of who we think we need to be, lacking confidence to speak up, struggling to promote ourself and/or our business
HEALTH - worrying, feeling anxious, experiencing panic attacks, depression, eating disorders, relying on alcohol, becoming dependent on substances, experiencing sleep difficulties, constantly suffering with ongoing self-criticism and fear
OVERALL APPROACH TO LIFE - feeling isolated and alone, like everyone else is somehow getting ahead but life is passing us by, being unclear about our purpose and direction, trying to control things, finding it difficult making decisions, getting caught in patterns of perfectionism, self-sabotage, lacking engagement, and finding it difficult embracing new opportunities
The more we feel this way the more disempowered we become in our sense of self, losing sight of our true nature and missing out on experiencing that deeper level of happiness, connection and joy we want and deserve to experience in life.
So how do you change it?
How do we reconnect with our true authentic self and realign with our inner magnificence that is already within us so we can let go of the struggle and really begin to thrive in life?
And even though it might have taken years for you to reach this point in your life with all these underlying stories of inadequacy going on, it doesn't have to take years for you to make the change, to change the way you feel within yourself.
Introducing an exciting new
with Juliet Martine

STRONGERWITHIN is a 6 WEEK LIVE ONLINE PROGRAM WITH JULIET MARTINE designed to help you shift the way you see yourself to realign with the full magnificence of YOUR INNER AUTHENTIC SELF.
This program has been designed to help you learn how to:
Shatter the KEY MYTH that is at the root source of EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR FEELINGS of INADEQUACY and SELF DOUBT (woohoo! yes please! I'll have some of that thanks!)
Use powerful tools to REALIGN WITH THE DIVINE ABUNDANT YOU that is who and what you truly are (awesome! when can I start!?!)
Based on 20 years of working with thousands of clients around the world, I've created this STRONGERWITHIN Program to help you reconnect with your true authentic self. To free yourself from everything that holds you back in life, so you can realign with the INNER RADIANT LIMITLESS YOU THAT IS WHO AND WHAT YOU TRULY ARE.
"I've done a lot of work on myself over the years, seen a lot of practitioners, and enrolled in a lot of programs and I can truly say this is the best thing I've ever done! Wish I'd done Juliet's STRONGERWITHIN program years ago!" ~ Catherine
"I've never felt as strong in myself as I do now. I genuinely feel so much more relaxed, at ease and comfortable in my own skin" ~ Kerry
"STRONGERWITHIN has been amazing. Even my family have noticed the differences in me. I feel so much calmer and stronger within myself. The guidance has been so helpful and every week of the program I picked up so much more and something new and substantial that has helped me feel so much better in myself." ~ Elise
During this first week we'll explore the single biggest cause behind ALL our feelings of inadequacy, low self esteem and self doubt.
And you'll be thrilled to discover it has absolutely NOTHING to do with YOU or any of the other factors you might be blaming it on! There's a reason we all feel less than awesome about ourself, and in this first week we're going to dive deep to shatter the myths that have been creating all our stories of feeling inadequate and not enough! (Woohoo!!! What a RELIEF!!!)

What is covered during the Program?
The STRONGERWITHIN Program runs over six consecutive weeks. Each week we'll explore a deeper aspect of who you truly are, shatter the habits that are holding you back, and develop new ways to shift your energy so you can live from your greater inner magnificent abundant self.
If you're someone who loves the details, here's what we'll cover over the six weeks:
During this session we'll look at:
The energy of self-worth, where it comes from and what it's really about
The key patterns that cause us to lack self-worth
The higher spiritual truth that will realign you with your TRUE self-worth
How to shift the 3 F's of Fuckups, Failures and Forgiveness (too much? You know it's true...)
Tools to address anxieties and fears so you can feel more grounded in your energy, and
How to develop an unshakeable sense of self-worth for you to step into a greater level of happiness, abundance and joy! (who wouldn't like a bit more of that in life, right!?!)

During this session we'll step onto the love path as we explore:
The energy of self-love (it's not what you think it is!) and where it is stored in your body
The single biggest habit that is preventing you from fully loving yourself
How to quit people-pleasing and worrying about what other people think (thank goodness! Finally!!!)
The keys to stepping into unconditional self love
Tools to help you develop an unshakeable sense of self-love so you can receive more loving relationships into your life (Yes please! I'll have some of that!!!)

During this call we'll deep dive into:
The energy of self-value and the energy centre that holds it
How a lack of self-value impacts your work, money, wealth, and financial success (you know it does...)
The deeper spiritual truth at the heart of true self-value (and it's more simple than you might think)
How to stop comparing yourself with others and ways to turn jealousy into abundance (ooohhh... that sounds intriguing)
The key to unshakeable self-value and knowing you are more than enough (if only it would stick, right!?! well it can, and it will!!!)

During this session we'll explore:
The energy of true self-confidence (which has nothing to do with having a big ego) and the energy centre it relates to
The one thing you can change to never ever ever doubt your self-confidence again (promise???)
How to tap into your inner hidden gifts and abilities
How to stop taking things personally so you can become stronger in your energy (yep, I'm tired of knee-capping myself all the time)
The key to developing unshakeable self-confidence to fulfil your greater potential (done!)

During this session we'll get up close and personal with:
The energy of self-belief and the chakra it's stored within
How to stop doubting your self and sabotaging your success (it's seriously exhausting doing that to myself over and over again, anyone else tired of it???)
The higher spiritual truth beneath true self-belief
The vibrational shift that will instantly move you from worry, anxiety and control, to feeling carefree and trusting in yourself more than ever before
How to develop unshakeable self-belief to step into the limitless possibilities and opportunities that are available to you right NOW! (I'm totally IN!!! When can I start!?!)

"This is one of the most profound programs I have had the privilege to experience. I am now more comfortable within myself, I am more accepting of who I am, and the impact for me has been incredible. So enriching and just what my soul needed" ~ Michelle H
"This course was totally created for me!!! The timing has been perfect and instinctively I've known it's vital for me to reconnect with my higher self. A huge thank you for a beautifully presented and supportive program" ~ Vanessa
"I’m so glad I’ve done this program. I’ve already felt significant shifts and changes in the way I think about myself and see myself and my life. And it’s given me loads of tools I can refer back to whenever I need them. I’m really thankful for having been part of this program and to have connected with all the other people doing it also, to realise I'm not alone." ~ Donna
What does the Program involve?
STRONGERWITHIN is run over 6 consecutive weeks. Each week includes a 90 minute LIVE group Zoom call with Juliet.
After each session you'll receive a recording of the call, course notes, and additional tools and processes for you to use during the week to shift your energy and realign with your magnificent Divine abundant Soul Self.
As part of the program you'll also be included in an exclusive Private Facebook Group so you can ask questions of Juliet throughout the entire Program and beyond. It will also provide you the, benefit of being part of a wonderful community that uplifts you through a powerful group energy to support and assist you every step of the way.
"There are literally not enough words to describe how much I have gained and am still gaining from the STRONGERWITHIN program. The benefits I have experienced from every aspect of this course are so priceless the program fee doesn’t even come close to quantifying it. The question is not how much does it cost you, but are you really ready to increase the love in your heart for yourself and let in all the incredible possibilities for you to now thrive in life? If you answered yes, don't hesitate! Jump in!" ~ Mish
Is this Program for ME?
STRONGERWITHIN is for YOU if you know you tend to:
Get caught in patterns of negative self-judgement, criticism, shame, blame, self-loathing, or despair
Suffer from self-doubt, feeling insufficient, inadequate or not enough in any way
Question your abilities, take things personally or hold yourself back
Experience anxiety, worry, overwhelm, or fear
Self-sabotage your happiness, progress or success
Have difficulty making decisions, prioritising yourself or putting yourself forward
Feel disappointed you are not where you expected it to be at this point in your life
and you'd love to:
Feel more confident in who you are
Be more carefree and relaxed in how you experience life
Enjoy greater health and wellbeing in your energy and body
Attract more loving relationships
Increase your level of financial wealth and strengthen your abundance mindset
Enjoy greater success in your work, career or business
then this is your opportunity to come back into a more loving, accepting, supportive, and abundant relationship with yourself and the world around you.
"I would say to anyone considering doing this program, 'If you have self doubt, fears, or any hesitations.... this is THE ABSOLUTE REASON why you should do the program! This program is all about YOU, understanding yourself and creating new habits to truly connect to YOU" ~ Dani
What Can I Expect?
This is a program of inner and outer transformation. In using the tools and processes shared during this program, at the end of the 6 weeks you will:
Feel a greater sense of INNER PEACE, CONTENTMENT and EASE within your self
Have a stronger sense of LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and RESPECT FOR SELF and OTHERS
Have a deeper understanding of your HIGHER PURPOSE and WHY YOU ARE HERE

When can I start?
The next STRONGERWITHIN program commences 4th/5th OCTOBER 2020. It is being offered across two different groups to cater to different time zones and schedules. You can join which ever group works best for you!
11am TUESDAYS - Sydney/Melbourne - 5th October to 9th November (8am Perth, 10am Brisbane)
5pm MONDAYS - Los Angeles - 4th October to 8th November
8pm MONDAYS - New York - 4th October to 8th November
9am TUESDAYS - London - 5th October to 9th November
11am TUESDAYS - Eastern European Timezone - 5th October to 9th November
7pm TUESDAYS - Sydney/Melbourne - 5th October to 9th November (4pm Perth, 6pm Brisbane)
If you are not able to make either of these times, you can still be part of the program and watch the video recordings of the LIVE calls at a time that works best with your schedule.
Program investment is $495 and payment plans are available upon request.
To enrol click on the button below. Once payment is complete Juliet will contact you to coordinate which group day/time suits you best.
If you are not sure if this program is right for you and/or you would like to discuss a payment plan, questions or any concerns feel free to contact Juliet on 0413 199649 or email: and she will get back to you asap.
We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you on your journey to become STRONGERWITHIN.

"This program has helped me in so many areas of my life. If you're thinking of doing this program I would highly recommend it! Juliet is amazing. She is so knowledgeable. The lessons I learned in this program I will carry with me for life!" ~ Bianca
"If you’re contemplating doing this program but your self-doubts, fears, hesitations, and/or financial concerns are holding you back, I’d say this is an opportunity for you to be free of these concerns permanently! Give this gift to yourself, be open and immerse yourself in the experience - you will come out as a better version of yourself on the other side - guaranteed!" ~ Niti
"Juliet is an amazingly insightful and passionate teacher who generously shares her deep knowledge and understandings in ways that are compassionate, challenging and life-changing. If you’re thinking of doing this program I’d say ‘Go for it! You have everything to gain and everything that doesn't serve you to lose!’ The STRONGERWITHIN Program does what it promises. The insights, strategies and teachings shared by Juliet guide and challenge you to value and love your authentic self." ~ Cath
"I am incredibly grateful and thankful to Juliet for creating this program and so thrilled I said Yes to it. As the program unfolded I became lighter and lighter, as all the "old" stories, beliefs and limitations I was holding onto began to fall away. I felt a powerful and beautiful sense of becoming who I am here to become. Juliet's warmth, love, kindness, strength, humbleness and generosity shines through each and every week. I loved how Juliet created a warm, cosy cocoon for the group as a whole collectively, this really helped me feel at ease and feel comfortable connecting with everyone within the group. This is a beautiful respectful life affirming, life changing program and I highly recommend it." ~ Michelle H
"This is an amazing course. Juliet is non judgemental and accepting of each and every individual person within the program and she uplifts and supports you to help clarify your issues and resonate so much clearer in your self worth, value, and acceptance. This program is worth every cent. I've been struggling for years with my self development and within such a short period I can honestly say I feel so much better in myself and my way of looking at things without all the old stories. I highly recommend this course. I don't know how I managed to keep sane before this course. I was just self-sabotaging myself. Now I know better and Juliet as a teacher is awesome. Thank you once again... I've struggled in the past to resonate with other teachers but this was amazingly enlightening. Thank you thank you thank you." ~ Karen
"This course changes your life for the better. The tools, teachings and meditations build self belief and confidence to react to difficult situations in ways you will feel proud of and supports you to look after yourself and in turn, others, with love. It helps you move through feelings and thoughts of doubt, fears, concerns and enables you to see things differently, empowered to take control and address issues to achieve positive outcomes for your life." ~ Margaret
"The content was amazing! A great mix of listening, sharing and participating in exercise interactions. This program and Juliet and the community connection is so truly wondrous beyond human expression! If you're here right now with this program landing before you - then your soul has led you here for good reason so just say YES! The content is practical, useful, easy to apply and the support & exchange from Juliet & the attendees/community has literally shifted the way I live my life from minute to minute. I’ve done many personal development courses etc but this is the only one I have found that helps you to change deep-seated limiting beliefs and negative habits to a new empowering expansive way of being because the support & content is that good." ~ Mish
"This Program was incredibly beneficial and I'm really pleased I made the decision to do it. To anyone that's thinking about doing it I'd say 'Don’t be scared, be brave and enrol in this course! It will help you, it will bring things to the surface that you have been pushing down for a long time, and once they do you can set them free.'" ~ Kara
"The STRONGERWITHIN Program is just that, enabling you to strengthen your understanding of who, what and why you are You. If you want change and find a higher sense of self this Program is for you. I will continue to use all the meditations Juliet provided as they are so powerful." ~ Meg
"Juliet's approach is healing, gentle, empathetic, calm, and powerful. She has the ability to support you to go within to unlock whatever is holding you back without being confrontational. Her energy is light and full of love. I have done a lot of work with many different therapists, healers, you name it I have done it, however what I love most about Juliet's approach is that it truly connects to your heart, your higher self... which I have found extremely healing and powerful." ~ Danielle
"If you're thinking of enrolling I'd say this Program has the power to change your life, you owe it to yourself, give it a go, what have you got to lose! I was at a point in my life where I was stuck and not going where I wanted to go. I have loved doing this course and highly recommend it. Juliet's approach is knowledgeable, kind, caring, organised, and each week we were given new meditations and activities to put into practice in our daily lives. Juliet was also available for individual assistance during the course if you needed additional help, and these sessions were very powerful. The FB group has also been a great community to help each other along our journeys. I feel I now have life skills that I can carry forward on my journey and I can see that others in the group have experienced the same shifts in energy. I would highly recommend this course if you are looking to move forward in your life." ~ Nikki
"I’ve gained so much over these weeks. It’s beautiful. It’s been such a gentle nourishing process and I’ve felt completely safe and held with strength through Juliet’s leadership in a way that I don’t feel alone. This program has lifted all these veils for me to really see what’s within me in a way I’ve never seen before. It’s real stuff and I felt supported every step of the way in a really profound way. It’s been fabulous!" ~ Taylor
"I came to this course extremely tired on a soul level, exhausted from a life time of one thing after another, continuous traumas and experiences. Up until now I looked for others to rescue me, solve the problem, make things better. This course has helped me go within myself and realise all I've ever needed is already within me. I now feel ready to rise up fresh and new, to let go of all that was tired and worn out and had run it's course, and just like a Phoenix rise up out of the ashes born anew. I am everything I need and this course has helped me to see it and own it. STRONGERWITHIN has been an absolute miracle for me. It was exactly what I needed at this point in my life, thank you so very much." ~ Michelle W
"This has been a really good informative course that helps with personal development and supports you in your personal growth to help improve your position." ~ Robert
Want more info about Juliet?
Juliet has spent the past 20 years working as a healer and mentor with clients across the globe of all different ages, gender, culture, nationality, race, and profession to assist people to clear their blockages for greater health, wellbeing, improved relationships, career development, business and financial success, and clarity of life purpose and direction.
During this time she has authored two books: Bootcamp For The Soul and Manifestation Intelligence, facilitated numerous workshops, retreats, seminars, and keynotes across a variety of different audiences, business networks and organisations.
Juliet has spent 30+yrs studying the energetics behind human behaviour, wellness, limiting belief patterns, and how we create our lived experience. She is passionate about assisting people to realise the magnificence of who they truly are, becoming more aware of the ways in which we heal, learn and grow through our individual and collective human experience.
Juliet has developed STRONGERWITHIN to assist individuals to realise their inner value and learn how to come into a more loving, authentic, soul-based relationship with self, to experience greater inner peace and joy in all areas of life.
To find out if this program is right for you, feel free to contact Juliet on 0413 199649 or email her at and she will be in touch with you as soon as possible.