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  • Juliet Martine - energy healer
  • Juliet Martine - energy healer
  • Juliet Martine - energy healer
  • Juliet Martine - energy healer
  • Juliet Martine - energy healer

Testimonials - What do other people say about working  with Juliet?


Below are just a few of the comments people have made after a session with Juliet. For reasons of confidentiality most names have been changed:

"I wish I'd met Juliet years ago. The healing session she did with me lifted a weight off my shoulders I'd been carrying for years. I left feeling so much lighter and happier, like I'd reconnected with myself again. I can't recommend her highly enough." Laura (30yrs)

"Thanks so much for the great session, I'm feeling much more motivated and ready to take on the world again!" Josh (42yrs)


"Thank you for my Soul Reading. Everything you described was spot on and so helpful. Makes so much sense of everything now." Emily (32yrs)​


"I've achieved more in the few healing sessions I've had with Juliet than in the past 3 years of therapy with a Counsellor! I'm so grateful I found her. " Mike (37yrs)


"Hi Juliet, I just wanted to share with you that I actually landed that new role you helped me with through Manifestation Coaching. I can't believe it! Manifestation really works when you want something to shift and you're ready to make the inner transformation in your energy to make it happen! Thank you so much!" ~ Maria (42yrs)

Energy Healing Soul Reading Business Mentoring with Juliet Martine

"Ever since I was a teenager, I've had globus pharyngeus, which is basically just anxiety that manifests in the sensation of a persistent lump in the throat. Sometimes it would get so intense it was quite painful, other times it was fairly mild, but it was persistently there for over 10 years for me. I had spoken to doctors and therapists about it, I had gone on medication, but nothing  seemed to help with it. This was not a problem I'd approached Juliet about, but it came up when we were doing some tapping exercises, part of which involved addressing tightness in the body. At first, I was a bit sceptical of the tapping exercises, but now I think there's something quite magical about them because after a few weeks, I realised the lump had totally gone from my throat, which is kind of unbelievable for me. I love that I'm now not constantly aware of a tightness in my throat, I feel so much more free. It hasn't come back for me, but if I'm ever experiencing anxiety or any stress, I just use the tapping exercises Juliet has given me and it has an immediate effect." Jerry (26yrs)


"I went through a distressing event which left me totally distraught for about a week. For that week I was very low,  depressed, had zero energy and was often weeping. When I saw Juliet, she gave me time to speak about what had happened, really listened to me and understood me, and then she took me through some tapping exercises to help me process what had happened. Before seeing Juliet I couldn't even imagine ever getting out of the slump I was in. After seeing her, it was like I was a new person. I felt so much lighter and more relaxed, able to breath and face the world again. It was a huge transformation." Clara (29yrs)


"I came to Juliet with one goal and ended up addressing and improving a number of other areas of my life. I think she may actually be a bit magical because (1) in relation to mental health issues, she's more effective than any psychologist I've ever seen, and (2) ever since I've been seeing her, my life just keeps getting better and better in really big ways. I'd certainly recommend Juliet's services to anyone looking to emotionally process any significant events in their lives or looking to achieve a goal they've set for themselves. I only wish I'd found her sooner!" Shaun (38yrs)


"I am incredibly grateful that I have found Juliet, the services she offers and the support she provides. I first approached her as a manifestation coach, I felt instinctively led to her and knew that reaching out to her was the first step in some big life changes that had been right on the edge for me. Through working with Juliet on manifestation and energy healing I have had so many doors open for me and I am truly learning what it is to live life in its fullest state. Juliet is so gentle and approachable in her support and coaching, yet truly discerning and able to hold space for you in the difficult stuff. I’m still seeing her, and I hope to continue to do so as I continue to navigate the opening of ‘doors’ that are waiting for me and calling me to level up in life." Elle (28yrs) 


 "Just wanted to thank you for my business coaching session today. I feel so clear and on track now. Thanks once again for making it so easy." Jo (41yrs)


"When I first started working with Juliet I had no idea what to do with my business. I knew I wanted to take it to the next level but had no idea what that was or how. Juliet's business mentoring has been invaluable. She's helped me get total clarity about my direction going forward, who I'm here to serve in the world, and how I can best serve them while actually reducing the effort I'm putting in. Instead of spinning wheels and getting nowhere fast, I'm now feeling lighter, happier, more excited about my work, and actually having more FUN as people are already contacting me before I've even put the plans into action! I'd recommend Juliet to anyone who's feeling stuck in their business direction and ready to take the next step to play bigger in the world." Evelyn 


"12 years of incredible back pain and it is now completely gone! The healing session I had with you was so profound, I will be forever amazed and grateful." Karen (43yrs)


"You were so spot on with my Soul Reading. I feel so much lighter in my heart now and inspired about the next steps for me to take." Marg (60yrs)


"I'd been putting off seeing Juliet because I felt anxious about the whole thing. But what a relief it's been. Juliet is so insightful in the way she sees things and has assisted me to clear my old patterns in a way that its been so much easier and more gentle than I expected. If you haven't made an appointment yet, do it!" Tanya (37yrs)


"I would never have met my husband and be getting married now if it weren't for my work with Juliet. I'm so grateful." Sarah (29yrs)


"I'm loving my work so much and am feeling so inspired. I felt like the sessions I did with you helped to give me that. I'm forever grateful." Maya (32yrs)


"Thank you Juliet. Our session was truly inspiring. You have guided me to a clear vision of what I really want. I'm excited to start taking action, and trust that I can create the life that I dream of. I'm excited to continue working with you!" Mikka (28yrs)


"After an hour and a half of doing some weird tapping exercises where I was feeling confused, it suddenly clicked. Fear ran through my body. Something shifted and I was able to hone down what was happening. Thanks Juliet for being so gentle and guiding me through the healing process. You're the real deal" Aahan (30yrs)


"I contacted Juliet because I had been wanting to secure a job overseas for about 4 years and I was actively applying for jobs for about a year without any luck. Within 2 months of first seeing Juliet I had landed a job in my field overseas! It was a dream come true." Denise (27yrs)

"This is the first year I've been depression free - thanks to you." Maree (33yrs)
"I couldn't have done it without you. Your manifestation coaching sessions REALLY made a difference. I had no idea the amount of junk I was carrying around in my mental trunk. Awesome working with you!" Riley (39yrs)
"I was amazed at what came through during my Soul Reading with you. The guidance was so clear and touched me at such a deep level. I now have a strong sense of purpose and direction and know what I need to do to move forward in my life." Jacqueline (46yrs)
"Hi Juliet, Just wanted to thank you for my healing session. The ulcer on my toe was completely healed after just five days. Months of treatments and nothing had worked. One session with you and it was gone. I don't know what you did, and I don't care lol!" Katrina (62yrs)
"Your intuitive guidance and the way you seemed to tap into what 's happening in my life was spot on. I now feel more confident in my direction and life and more switched on to what direction I need to take. Your spiritual guidance and assistance really helped me to hear that inner voice I had been ignoring for so long. So thanks for helping me find me again. I am really excited about life now." Sue (39yrs)
"Thanks for the healing session last week. My shoulder is 80% better already. Can't wait for my next session to clear it completely." George (47yrs)
"I cannot thank you enough in words for your wonderful Soul Reading yesterday. I am filled with a REAL peace I have not known before and love is very present." Janice (45yrs)

"Just thought I would let you know - after my manifestation coaching session with you I received the contract for a new job today. I get to work from home, more money, greater flexibility and dealing in the area I want to be in. Thank you so much for helping me focus. As always time with you is a REAL gift. Thank you again." Mel (41yrs)
"Since my Soul Reading my soul is soaring with joy... I actually feel like I am riding high on life again!  THANK YOU xxx" Marie (27yrs)

"After just one session my anxiety levels have almost completely gone. Whatever switch it was you flicked I feel so grateful for all that you do. So simple and yet so effective." Jade (37yrs)
"I feel so much stronger and more peaceful. Even though I've been seeing a therapist for months, the difference I've felt since working with Juliet is a hundred fold. I like myself now, feel more confident in my work and my relationships, I'm not feeling the need to protect myself in the same ways, and I feel more available to life's joys. And I'm far more trusting of life now rather than needing to control it all the time. Thank you so much for your amazing and REAL help." Amanda (47yrs)

"Wow! I have never been to such deep places before. Stuff I didn't even realise existed just seemed to come pouring to the surface so easily and quickly. All the anger and stuff I felt toward my sister and parents has just gone and I feel so much lighter. I didn't REALISE I had all that stuff inside me that was causing those destructive behaviours and patterns in my life. I feel so much happier within myself now." Sonia (46yrs)


"Thank you for the session yesterday. So much of what we talked about resonated with me and you’ve given me a lot of inspiration to work with. I’m really excited to learn new things that will set me on the next chapter of my journey and stepping into the energy of what came through.” Rebecca (32yrs).

"I was quite nervous coming to see you, given I'd never been to anyone that works in this field before. But I felt so at ease with you and you really helped make sense for me with what was happening in my life. Things are so much clearer now. Thanks for all your help. I feel like the way forward makes sense now". Simon (34yrs)


"The treatment I had for depression and procrastination was quick, simple and REALLY effective. For the first time ever, I actually looked forward to and enjoyed my sessions. Many thanks again for your help .... now all is well". Ken (41yrs)
"This lady is the REAL thing! I can't believe how spot on you were with my Soul Reading and we weren't even in the same room together! Given that I live in a different country I would never have thought it possible, but you picked up on so many things about me and my life I was stunned! And more than anything your guidance and direction opened up the doors for me to REALLY step forward into being the real me... thank you so much! You are a real angel. " Susan (44 yrs)


"My headaches have completely gone, and the things that used to stress me no longer bother me now. I feel so much happier. Thank you for your help. Your gifts are profound." Adam (37 yrs)


"You've REALLY helped me to cut out the smoking. But it's different to the times I've stopped before. Whereas before I would start to drink more or eat more, now I don't even miss it and I am drinking even less and my thinking is so much clearer and I'm not depressed with it. I know it's because of all the clearing you have done with me. Its made a REAL difference. Thanks." Karina (31 yrs)

"I feel like I have now stepped up a level, and am able to communicate so much better in a way that sets such clear boundaries and is actually respected by other people. And I feel so much more empowered. Thank you, it feels like I can actually be myself." Lorna (29 yrs)
"I can't believe what a difference you have made with me in such a short space of time. I have stopped eating all the junk food, I am sleeping better, the pain in my body has completely gone, and I am now feeling so much more confident and relaxed with people. Even though you helped me heal some REALLY deep things, it was done so easily and released without going into deep pain or distress. Thank you so much for your help. I feel so different now I wouldn't have believed things could change so easily." Terry (51yrs)
"I just wanted to thank you for my Soul Reading last week. I found it extremely practical and beneficial, and truly life-changing. What a gift to give to myself :)" Candice (55yrs)
"With your help my bad eating patterns have stopped and I have lost the weight. I feel less stressed and happier within myself, and I even got the new job I wanted! I am much more in control of my life now. Thank you so much." Karyn (41yrs)
"Thank you for yesterdays soul reading, Juliet. I found it incredibly enlightening and freeing. Definitely gives me something to work with." Josh (37yrs)
"I just wanted to write and say thanks SO much for a great session last week. This is the first time in many, many months that my back has felt so good – am sleeping better and also running without any post-back pain which is usually unheard of." Kathy (37 yrs)

"After several years of panic attacks and overwhelming nightmares, they have now gone. I am sleeping better, feel happier within myself, and am feeling great. I have found the two sessions with you more effective than 12 months of counselling which felt so draining and tiring. After my sessions with you I come away feeling light and happy, having had a positive, productive experience. What a difference it has made for me." Leah (28 yrs)
"I am amazed at how effective your treatment was. My entire life I have felt ANXIOUS and my body would even shake. After just one treatment all that has gone. I can't believe the difference. No more shakes or sweaty palms. Thank you Juliet." Cheryl (54yrs)
"I had lost over 20 kilos and then I just stopped sticking to my program and started to put it all back on. Juliet helped me clear what was really bothering me, so that I got back on track with eating the right foods and LOSING THE WEIGHT properly." Adelaide (32yrs)


"My entire life my father would put me down. I used to FEEL SO TERRIBLE when ever he was around. In releasing these feelings I can now be with him and not be affected by his comments. He can say what he wants and I don't take any of it onboard. I feel so much better and happier within myself." Joanne (41 yrs)
"I'm totally surprised. After just one treatment I don't have my FEAR of insects any more. Now I can see and touch them and it is not a problem." Cinthia (31 yrs)

"After 2 solid years of deep sciatic PAIN I am 98% pain free now and from your session stepped wholeheartedly into my work of Teaching the 12 Levels of Being with a renewed sense of purpose and courage. " Sharon (50 yrs)

"No one likes DENTISTS at the best of times, but during my dentist visits I would PANIC, STRESS OUT and I even hyperventilated one time. After my session with Juliet I became aware of the root to my anxiety and with a few other suggestions my next visit to the dentist was amazingly surreal. I couldn't believe it, I actually felt like I could almost fall asleep. I had no anxiety or fear, I was in a totally relaxed state and my dentist couldn't believe I was the same person." Narelle (32 yrs)

"I had such strong feelings of overwhelming SADNESS and LOSS, it felt like I was grieving but I didn't know why. Your healing sessions quickly showed that the life changes I was going through were connected back to the loss I experienced as a young child when my parents separated. In clearing the grief through this process I now feel so much freer." Susan (39yrs)
"Thanks for your help. I'm not WAKING at 3am any more after clearing the source of the problem." Jake (47yrs)

"I can't believe it. That SORE on my finger had been there for months and even medicines weren't healing it. After just that one session with you my sore has completely healed in just 3 days. I am so grateful, as I had just about given up hope that it would ever get better." Alex (53yrs)
"I want to thank you for all your help with both myself and Sandra. We both feel things MAKE A LOT MORE SENSE and that you have helped to join the dots that were not yet complete in our lives." Mark (35yrs)

"If the NSW Government employed Juliet Martine, the trains would run on time!  I had no idea about Energy Healing until I interviewed Juliet on my show on 2UE. It is fascinating, makes sense, and I have even had a session myself! Would that our decision makers jumped on board this marvellous treatment program to IMPROVE THE WAY THEY WORK AND HOW THEY FEEL." Ella James, 'Danger High Voltage'
"Thank you for yesterday’s reading. To know my soul journey has brought such a feeling of relief and knowingness and acceptance it is hard to put into words. Your words rang very true for me much more than I have felt before. Thank you so much I am very grateful for your time and wisdom." Trish (33yrs)


“Thanks to your work with me, your support and methodologies, you helped me free myself from several internal blocks and obstacles I could not have shifted as easily except for your help. I highly recommend you and your work. As a coach myself, I deeply trusted your expertise and compassionate care. You helped me through a couple of terrifying triggers that ‘forever’ released under your care and guidance.” Marsha J Orr,  Intrepreneur Coaching,

Note: Most names have been changed due to client confidentiality.

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